Critically examine some TELEs with enabling and hindering factors

In my two schools PCVO Het Perspectief and College OLV Ten Doorn I encountered a number of Technology Enabled/Enhanced Learning Environments – (TELEs).

I experienced all of them as a teacher and some of the TELEs I helped implementing (Google Apps).

Here is an overview of the TELEs used:

In previous post for Wiki Task 2 I ended up with the following scheme.

Let’s look at  these TELEs on these criteria. Whatever TELE we use: the role and professional identity of the teacher is essential, so I’m not going to focus too much on the ‘Teachers side’ of this scheme. Unless it is worth mentioning. Secondly, I take Dokeos and Chamilo together since they are similar.  Smartschool is also similar but has many extensions, add-ons which makes it more powerful at ‘school-level’ . The contrast of the three with Google Apps for Edu is very present.

Green are enabling factors.
Red are hindering factors.